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Gregory B. Vaillancourt

B.S. Entomology * OPR 8930
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Bees and Wasps

Parts of this information was taken from the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_bee, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp, and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_jacket

FliesWhile honey bees are beneficial insects , they frequently end up nesting in attics, roofs and wall voids. This brings them within close proximity of people and pets and increases the risk of a stinging. Once a nest is located on your property it would be best to leave the control and removal to professionals. We have the skill and equipment to do the job right the first time.

Wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets are also found around your home and occasionally will nest within or on the structure. Great care should be taken around these insects because they are especially fierce and agressive when defending their nests. If a nest is found it is best to leave it to a professional with the proper safety gear. Our technicians have the equipment and training to remove these unwanted invaders from your home with minimal risk to you, your children, and your pets.

We offer environmentally safe, non-toxic ways to get rid of these flying insects from your premises. Got bees? The best thing to do is relocated them to somewhere where they can be more useful.

Yellowjackets and Wasp Nests

waspsWhat is the difference between wasps and yellowjackets? The main difference is that yellow jackets are scavengers, which is why they are bothering you at picnics. Wasps are predators who are out looking for bugs to feed to their young. Both wasps and yellow jackets are dormant during the winter and begin showing up as spring arrives.

Flying insects pose a threat but can be removed safely

Both flying insects also have nests. Yellowjackets have a nest in the ground somewhere with up to 1000 residents. Often, the nest has taken over a rodent hole. Do not mess with their nest, because they aggressively defend their home! And unlike bees, they can sting you repeatedly so yellow jackets are far more dangerous.

Wasp nests are very common and often visible on your house. They find a hole in the siding or in stucco, or sometimes dangling from under the lip of your roof. Wasp nests are much smaller than those of yellow jackets. People often feel threatened by wasps and want them removed, but they really aren't that dangerous and you should probably just let them be unless it's right by a doorway or open window or back patio.

Wasps can be removed by a professional and the premium is usually for climbing. We do offer green alternatives for killing them with environmentally friendly, non-insecticides. This new class of non-toxic insecticide dust is just one of our tools that make us an "environmentally friendly" pest control.

Also, a tip: the best time of day to spray a wasp or other flying insect nest is dusk or dawn because the insects are all there. During the day, they are out hunting or scavenging so you won't kill them all in the middle of the day.

Removing a yellow jacket nest is a bit more of a production because it involves a technician in a bee suit using a duster to inject the non-insecticide into the nest.